Sunday, January 27, 2013

I lurve conferences!

So just this morning I got back from my annual pilgrimage to DC to commemorate the anniversary of Roe v. Wade which legalized abortion in all 9 months of pregnancy without restrictions.  Anyway, each year since 2010, I've attended the Students for Life of America Conference with about 2,000 other crazy, pro-life students.  And this is my last year attending as a student (tragic!).  Anyway, it's really because of this conference that I've been inspired to do things like tryING to run for babies and pregnancy centers, that I've pursued pro-life medicine, and that I've never felt alone in my staunch belief that mothers need our care and compassion no matter what.  It was a glorious time!  I wish everybody and their mom and their dad and their preborn baby and everyone could go!

I also experienced a life first: I signed books.  Courageous: Students Abolishing Abortion featuring yours truly and 12 other way more amazing, courageous pro-lifers was released.  The author and my personal hero, Kristan Hawkins, was signing copies and had we who featured sign books too.  Haha.  It was funny because it's honestly hard to sign books.  I have a new respect for authors and their books tours.  I am so easily distracted.

Proof: Emma snapping this rather blurry photo while I was attempting to write a note in a copy of the book:
The whole conference was challenging and educational; my medical pro-life hero, Dr. Byron Calhoun spoke about 100 students about perinatal hospice and why NOT to abort a baby with genetic defects (Guess what?  It's bad for women!)

I was able to bring my new friend Abby along and I'm pretty sure she had a great time too.  I mean, we look happy, right?  She's even coming with me to the next Pro-Life Medical Conference in February!  

The night before the conference, I had the glorious privilege of linking up with Florida pro-life friends who were all officers in the Pro-Life Alliance before we graduated.  I just can't even put into words how much each of these genuine, amazing people have impacted my life for God and justice.  It was so nice to be among like-minded friends.  Jean and I are planning a trip to Boston now just 'cause one night of hanging out wasn't enough.

And honestly the best of part of the lil journey was this woman, Emma.  My chapter in the book is aptly titled "The Sister" because that's my second-most important identity following "daughter of the King."  I'm just a sister to such beautiful daughters of Jesus.  Without Emma I would never be able to keep standing for truth when it's so unpopular, or accept grace from Jesus when I fail.  Emma is just fabulous and my love for her exceeds that of Jonathan and David's (take that!)  I've been so blessed by friends and family who survived the abortion holocaust and my heart bleeds for the ones missing their sisters and their friends.  My heart hurts for my sisters who have lost their little babies to abortion.  So though I fail and stumble along, I'll keep on keepin' just 'cause if we save even just one, it's so worth it!

I don't know if anyone reads this and they don't have to, but you are and you've gotten this far, please accept THE REALITY of the love and grace of the Great Savior NO MATTER WHAT.  One of the speakers, Scott Klusendorf, so aptly shared the gospel:

we're all rebels and we all need Jesus.  

I never wanna forget that.  I don't know where my journey against abortion will take me but I know who's taking me when I die and that's why I can even contemplate being Courageous.  There was one who was courageous for me so I will never fear and I will NEVER STOP SPEAKING FOR JUSTICE FOR ALL.

And in the words of my Uncle Kirby, "I AM SUPERCHARGED WITH ENTHUSIASM!"


  1. Love you so so so SO much! Glad I got to see you. PERSEVERE!!!! -Gina

  2. So glad I got to see you too, Gina! Gees, I love how it's just so effortless to pick up where we left off. And I really wanna see what your life's like in So-Fla. I'm so proud of you!
